Maynooth Univerity Cemetery entrance path

Getting the right campus snap!

Maynooth has a beautiful campus, filled with big trees and large green areas

It is magical even if it is a cloudy or a rainy day. I took many pictures all around Maynooth with my friends, and I want to share these spots with you and encourage you not to miss them when you’re here!

The University’s South Campus is older and greener than the North Campus. There you can find St. Joseph’s Square, which is the place you will see if you google “Maynooth University”. This iconic place is always kept clean and pruned, and will change its colors according to the season. If you get snow (which isn’t common), try to come to the St. Joseph’s Square, the view will be unique!

St. Joseph's Square, Maynooth University

University Clocktower

This big building can be seen from literally any spot in the town, and coming closer to it will leave you astonished. Try to walk around it to appreciate every point of view. This Clocktower is beside the University Chapel. We had a lot of fun trying different ideas to take a great picture over here! Right behind it you will be able to see amazing sunsets, give it a try!

Cemetery entrance path

This is one of my personal favorites. The way these trees are arranged plays in many beautiful ways with the sunlight. It is a bit far from the University main buildings, that is why this place is almost always quiet. If you get inside the cemetery you will find how small and gorgeous it is. I don’t want to suggest to take pictures inside of it, but get to know it!

Tree arch, Maynooth University

Maynooth’s Library

This peculiar building is always flooded with students, inside and outside. The atmosphere is unique: it has an Starbucks coffee café on the left side where people can chill out. On the other side a lot of computers can be seen through the glass structure, with some more stressed students! It all is part of the experience. The library cat will always be around, willing to be petted. The river gives some additional uniqueness to the whole picture, and makes it feel even more confortable if you are one of the lucky ones in the Starbucks side of the building!

Towards the Maynooth University Library

Some other honorable mentions for picture ideas:

Playing Pool inside the Student’s Union

Inside of the Roost! The Roost bar has some very pleasant atmosphere to be enjoyed, and is very pretty.

Having some fun at the playing fields in the North Campus

I hope you can get the pictures you came looking for!

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