Kelly, Pennsylvania, USA
Maynooth living and studying was very different from my home University. I did not know what to expect when coming over from the United States. At home, my University is somewhat bigger, so the first rule of thumb is I was expecting to have to walk a lot further to get to my classes. I like that all my classes were close by because it made it easier to get everywhere. However, I was surprised when I came to campus and most of the pictures advertised were of South Campus, so I was confused when I arrived and found out there was a North and South. I did not have a kitchen in my dorm in the states, but I thought it was fun cooking for myself. Also, it was never a hassle to get groceries! I used almost all the facilities on campus from classrooms, printers, library, gym, SU, health center, and walking trails. I did not have any classes on South campus, therefore, I never used any of those buildings.
My favorite thing to do at Maynooth was walking around campus when the sun was shining! It is so beautiful and there are a lot of hidden farms I did not realize were there until later in the semester. Also, I loved joining clubs. I joined the volleyball club and it was so much fun. It made me interact with more people and gave me plans throughout the week. To future international students… You need to throw yourself out there because your experience solely depends on you and how you make it. Making friends is hard on a commuter campus, but get involved and you have more events during the week to meet not just Irish students, but also other internationals. Studying abroad can be hard with the major culture shock, but you get used to it and start to make a life for yourself on campus or off.
Pennsylvania, United States of America