Spring forth and…..be happy!

As March came to a close with the worm moon, which is the first full moon to occur after the spring equinox, I can confidently say that better weather is ahead of us here in Ireland…. Hopefully, honestly you never know here.  

Also starting April 12th, restrictions are slowly starting to be lifted which is great news honestly. The March blues were starting to get to me, but after much time of self-reflection, really evaluating what I want from my life, and removing toxicity from my life I can say I’m in a better headspace this month. Sometimes it gets a bit tough mentally working and going to school from home, and lack of human contact can really get to your head.

I’ve learned though that if you want your life to change, you have to put yourself out there.

I’ve started taking my own advice and I’m not sure why I only started doing this now, probably because I’ve realized how important self-love is finally. First thing was writing out my goals for the future and researching how I can achieve those goals too. I started to also make some girlfriends and go on picnics and walks together, which has been so refreshing. We’re planning some weekend hikes which should be good fun because I love walking. I’ve also themed every Saturday as self-care spa day, where I just wear a face mask and afterwards my skin feels and looks so dewy and healthy. I honestly recommend everyone have a weekly spa day because it’s so refreshing and relaxing.  

April just feels like such an enlightening month, so much so that I’m inspired to quote the great Bob Ross. This lovely man states that, “It’s so important to do something every day that will make you happy.” I couldn’t agree more, you have to make yourself the main character of your life. It’s so easy to lose yourself in others and forget that it’s actually not selfish to put your own happiness first. You only have one life to live, so you have to make the most of the time you’ve been given.

Another pointer is to realize how precious your energy and time is, and to be careful who gets access to that asset of yours. Once you just start taking small steps into truly loving yourself, talking nicely to yourself, and managing your time and energy wisely, everything else will fall into place. You start to attract everything you want, because everything you put out comes back to you. It takes time to get there, but once you do, trust me there is no going back, you won’t want to.

With this in mind, I want to send a little message of love and positivity to all Maynooth classmates. Whilst we’re not in the most ideal situation at the moment, we all have equal access to the opportunities presented to ourselves now, therefore we’re already taking the proper steps to fulfill our dreams by keeping up on our studies.

At the end of the day we make our own reality, why not make it the best we possibly can? 

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