When a Master of Arts student is a true ambassador for her university

Last week, I had the honour of speaking to a group of American high school guidance counsellors and providing them with a campus tour. The group had flown over to tour Irish Universities for the week, aiming to return to the States better equipped to discuss international opportunities with interested students. I was asked to speak a bit about my time at Maynooth, my decision to move abroad, and my ...

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From New England to (old) Ireland, comparing and contrasting on my study abroad year

Over the Christmas holidays I traveled back to my hometown of Boston, Massachusetts, and was instantly greeted with a two-day snowstorm, which got me thinking about some of the cultural and social comparisons between the two places I find myself most- New England and Ireland. Weather: Coming from Boston, I felt prepared to handle the stereotypical Irish weather; I owned plenty of rain gear already, and I loved the fact that Ireland ...

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