When a Master of Arts student is a true ambassador for her university

Last week, I had the honour of speaking to a group of American high school guidance counsellors and providing them with a campus tour. The group had flown over to tour Irish Universities for the week, aiming to return to the States better equipped to discuss international opportunities with interested students. I was asked to speak a bit about my time at Maynooth, my decision to move abroad, and my ...

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My Journey as an MSc. Business Analytics Student at Maynooth University

Why I Chose the MSc Business Analytics Program As a prospective student with 6 years of professional experience as a Market Researcher and Consultant in India, I wanted to pursue a Master's in Business Analytics. I chose this course as it aligns with my career prospects and can guide me into a business consultant or a business analyst role in the future. The MSc Business Analytics course falls under the School ...

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Maynooth University International Student blog by Dalal

Settling In and Staying Strong: A Postgrad’s Guide to Life and Well-being During Your Study Journey

Dalal Almuhaideb, a PhD researcher and a lecturer in the Education department Whether you’re returning to Ireland or arriving for the very first time, welcome! Starting your postgraduate journey is an exciting new chapter, full of opportunities, but it can also feel overwhelming at times. This guide is here to help you settle in smoothly and make the most of your time in Ireland. Give Yourself Time to Settle Adjusting to a new ...

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